Making it work
In 2024, I’m setting a challenge for myself: to kickstart the upward spiral every day. I plan to employ techniques previously mentioned on this site and seek additional strategies to achieve this. The concept of an upward spiral is familiar to me; I’ve experienced it multiple times. For instance, almost nine years ago, I went through a phase of intense euphoria. While I occasionally re-enter this mode, sustaining it has been challenging. Despite a fulfilling life, complete with health, strong friendships, meaningful relationships, a passion for my hobbies, and the freedom to pursue work that interests me all the time, the reason for my inability to maintain this state eludes me.
Therefore, I’m not only challenging myself but also extending this challenge to you, especially if you’ve experienced or been close to an upward spiral. This challenge is particularly relevant for those who have already discovered their purpose, yet wonder why it hasn’t been the springboard to constant joy and passion they expected. Through this journey, I hope to either consistently inhabit the ‘Appreciation Mode‘ I detailed in another chapter or at least identify additional factors holding me back. Stay tuned, and let me know if you’re on board.