Why we gonna make it – making it short

Diary of a pure positive mind

Why we gonna make it – making it short

I´m telling you now, why we gonna make it.

Life is not what we thought it was. It is not a collection of items, a building made out of little discret parts, a materialistic puzzle. Matter is not the source of all this, it´s entangled with all but not the beginning point. The cause is (at least partly) our expectation. When physicists nowadays talk about quantum mechanics, or the holographic universe, most of us are not even at the brink of understanding what this means for our experiences in this world. Our beliefs and expectations have much more impact than humanity knows. With changed beliefs we don´t only get the best path to march through the environment, we actually change the map!

In a holographic system, one part that acquires a new information, replicates that very change in all entangled parts of the system. Means if you solve an awareness problem in central Europe it will be changed instantly in all connected situations all over this planet. That is actually what is already happening! It is no coincidence! Did you ever wonder why concepts like self-fulfilling prophecy or rosenthal effect where discovered at the same time on different places on this planet from people who seemed quite unrelated. If we take a closer look, we discover that things like that are happening many, many times all over this place. And again: the more we look at these miraculous things the more events like that pop up. Because we raise our expectations. For instance, the placebo effect: an effect that can be measured and is very reliable. When people think something has a good impact on them in terms of a medicament it works, even if it´s not a medicament at all but only a sugar pill. The amazing thing is: this effect is increasing over the years! Though people might even guess, that the study they are in might be a placebo study- their expectation that they are improving (no matter what group they are in) increases the effect! How amazing!

When we train now (what I am already doing) to raise our expections, we will change things we don´t have the fantasy to dream of yet. For instance, when I improved a belief about myself (with the strategies I introduced here), I give it a try to expand that belief on others, too. For instance, if you believe now, you are a good learner, tell youself “human beings tend to be better learners every day!”). And when you appreciate something, try to expand that, too. For instance when I am stroking our beautiful and incredibly intelligent cat I try to appreciate animals in general.  You can use your cat as a symbol for animals and appreciate them. (I do that with water,too. Washing my face, appreciating the water that comes clean and cool out of the tap, I sometimes appreciate the water in my cells and in rivers and in streams). Just give it a try. Appreciation and compassion is a source for positive feelings and will, when they are right about the holographic nature of our world, shift this world into an amazing place full of fun and joy.

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