
Tutorial to life


Tutorial to life is about strategies to think positive. I know, there are many people always trying to convince others not to try to think positive all day, for different reasons. I won´t cover that. There are many, many platforms for thinking negatively, including news sites, youtube etc. Tutorial to life is only about thinking positively. For those who think that is hard to chew, i´d recoomend to read the why it works page. I am a psychologist and using strategies for thinking more and more positively for almost five years now. I collected knowledge and expreience about why these strategies work, why it makes sense to try to solely think positive for a certain time-span and I will provide you with all of my insights on the why it works page.

Might be that you don´t need reasons anymore to train positive thinking, because you already figured out that it´s not only very helpful but also fun. In that case you can just skip all these explanations and step right into the how it works area for getting many strategies you can try. Figure out what works best for you and what is the most fun for you.

On the blog you can read what happens to my thinking in real-time. The most stuff will end up in the category “Diary of a pure positive mind”. That´s not exaggerated, because I´m only going to write about my positive thoughts. It doesn´t mean that I am 100% positive, but stresses again the notion to deliberately and consciously focus on the positive. It is your choice: see what happens when you improve in focussing on the positive.