The Trevor-Index

The Trevor-Index

It is all about  the ratio between negative and positive thoughts. I claim that whenever the positive thoughts:negative thoughts ratio is >1 you train your postive connections in your network.

That also means: if you think positive quite frequently, but you think negatively more often- you´ll not make it to the tipping point. This is so logical and it explains a lot. For instance why some people gained so much and don´t seem to be happy at all. Or why some people have had hard times and hard conditions and are truly confident and happy.

What is the Trevor-Index?

If you think twice as many negative thoughts as positve and you calculate e.g. 6 divided by twelve you get 0.5. If you´re thinking twice as many postive thoughts you are getting a number bigger that one. E.g. 10:5 = 2

I didn´t figure out yet, how high the trevor index must be to get, what I want to call “Appreciation mode” or A-mode.

A-mode is a stage, where you just get positive associations whatever you look at. When you are distracted or don´t think about anything…the next thing that comes to your mind is something positive. I am in A-mode quite frequently. It feels like a different mindset, because it is characterized by high awareness (or midnfulness) and the feeling of “not thinking at all”. Yes, it is rather a feeling or a basic attitude of joy, appreciation and positive expectancy.

I expect anybody to be able to get to A-mode, when he or she practises the strategies or other strategies to stay positive.