meta-cognition – Tutorial to LIFE® LIFE® is a game- this is the handbook Sat, 18 Aug 2018 10:48:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 meta-cognition – Tutorial to LIFE® 32 32 115490620 Unchanged effort Thu, 16 Aug 2018 13:01:02 +0000 Making it work

Unchanged effort

Today I realized that focusing on good things will always be the same. You can only do it now, but you have to, if you want to suceed. It is allways the same thing: it remains unchanged effort.

Of course there are situations full of chaos or pain, where the main focus is to change the situation. That will always be there: life throwing things at you, you have to deal with. But that doesn´t happen very often. Most of the times no serious, life-threatening situations occur. Most of the times there is no big thing going on, but you in your daily life or you in your free-time pussyfooting around. That is the time I want to talk about. Because it is the time that determines everything. Whether you thrive or you stagnate, whether you enjoy or complain, whether you celebrate or you whine. It is very important what you think in those times.

Recently I wondered, why I can´t do it sometimes. I must say, I have been sloppy in my meditation practise. There were times I practised at least 5 times a week, now I am down to 5 times a month I guess. I also did somthing like writing down what I have and what I want. That always turns out really postive. Once you started that and you get into detail you get into a really good mood place. But I did that lesser and lesser. I ended up in a place where everything was fine, but me, because I didn´t realize what is positive in its fullness. I ended up in a rather mediocre mood-state.

Decide focusing on the good things

I decided to focus on the good things again. Although I have been very far on that path, I have to put effort in it. I had times where it worked so automatically that I stopped maintaining my habits. And it is true: once you are in A-mode you don´t need mediation or exercises for being positive. You are appreciation in person. But when life throws stuff at you, you have to react to, you will need a certain time to come back to the neutral place. And then make it your main aim to get that positivity focus again!


I now had my divorce done and everything is fine. I even bought the house of my ex-husband. That makes me really happy. There are so many reasons to be happy now. Just the fact that I, a woman, that has seperated and lives with her three kids, gets the money from the bank and can live a free and self-determined life! That is so great. Think of all the former generations of women, deceived and bleeded by a male society, having nothing and having to little time to work because of raising children! I feel so privileged and I know I am, living that free life I always wanted. I can do whatever I want in my house.

Positive thinking needs effort

But I was in a neutral stage. What happens is, that you catch yourself thinking: “I have so much to clean, it is such a big house” or “so much work to do”. But I do know how it works! I know I can also focus on the good so thoroughly, nofocusingt noticing the negative aspects at all. I´ve been there. (Just practise the strategies I mentioned on the How it works-page). It can all be so easy and action results from inspiration only. But it is a matter of the mind. Of YOU focusing on the good. First step: realize that it is about focusing. Step two: Do anything and I mean anything on a regular basis, what fosters your positive state. For me that means: getting back into meditation practics again and very important: write down everyday what is good in your life. Go wild: name anything, starting by how your skin or your eyes work, to what is in your fridge, to what you already achieved in your life.

This will always be unchanged effort: no matter where you are in the future, whether you own a bussiness, or whether you turn very rich, if you are a grandma, or if you live in a new city. You can always focus on the good things and it will never be harder than right now. It will be rather less effort if you get used to it, but never more.

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An organism full of miracles Sat, 11 Aug 2018 10:21:02 +0000 Diary of a pure positive mind

An orgnism full of miracles

When you are able to keep your thoughts positive, you develop one thing: a positive expectation for everybody and everything. What an amazing breed we human beings are! I am really looking forward to seeing us, humankind, explode once a lot of peple get that. Because when you foster your positive thoughts you will get so motivated to do things. And you will feel so good, knowing, that you are on your path.

Humankind is like an Organism

Humankind is like an organism. Myriads of cells, that are momentaryly confused, irritated, because there´s strange beliefs, how a cell ought to be. There are big groups of cells, always wanting the others to assimilate. And that is not working out. Even worse: when cells are assimilating, misfunctioning and disease results.

When everybody is allowed to be who he or she really is, we will get a level of functioning that will outshine anything human kind achieved before. We are so capable, we are so good! But it can only work if you find your true you within yourself. Compare it with a human organism: what would happen if the skin cells tell the liver cells how to behave. They might say: You are doing it wrong! You have to be like we are! The liver cells will either have to fight against a bigger group of cells or change their behavior. The whole ormanism gets unsteady. This is what is happening. Humankind now is the result of unsteadiness.

Why is that intertwined with positive thoughts?

Positive thinking, as taught here on tutorial to life is positive thinking in general. Once you establish that, you stop worrying about others being different. About you being different from a group, but also others being different from you. You will enjoy and love this diversity. It results in an attitude that is utterly free of judging, because you know everybody is fine. Everybody is different for a very good reason: we have different functions in this organism. You also might never worry about yourself again, why others act differently. You got your own position, you own place. Your only duty is to make youself accepted and loved- by you.

positive thoughts

I really believe that we are at the beginning of something. Once we get more stable on our own path there will be so many things we can do. It will be so much fun. I can even feel the feeling of joy coming up now. We can proceed there and be as frisky as kids on summer holiday. Adventures behind every corner, connections to other creative people and excitement and fun wherever we look. Train your positive thoughts and you will have it all- now!


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Getting back in Mon, 05 Jun 2017 11:17:03 +0000 Making it work

Getting back in

As I told you: there´s that tipping point, where you get more and more positive and it´s all about the trevor-index. However, the last month I have been out of that mode. Sometimes for hours, sometimes for up to two days I´d say. I broke up with my husband, and some things have been frightening and some have been very negative, so I wasn´t able to stay entirely positive. Now I appreciate the situation. Because, it would be not such a great deal to stay positive if only good things happened to you. I can only get a real master if I get off track, because then I find ways to get back in. The problem about problems is, they are very captivating. Somebody might call you and plant a very negative information right into your mind and you can´t prevent thinking about it. On that point it depends on how your Positive-Negative Ratio has been that day and days before I´d say. Because at the beginning I could switch from getting insulted to another topic and thus regain good mood very fast. But the occurence of negative events was not controllable at all and happened many, many times. There were certain days where it felt like my ease just slipped through my fingers. But I was very aware and got back into positive mode again. Then there was fear, and fear is really the least controllable component, because it makes you circle around a topic in mind which is not good for you. My stability wasn´t there anymore, but my positive expectancy was.

I was thinking: “It is alright. I am going through a big change and I don´t need to be stable all the time. I will learn many, many things about myself”. Sometimes you are brooding about things and you can´t stop straight away.  Looking at a problem is like looking at a fractal video (check the nice fractal video below). It´s always the same, but you get deeper and deeper and you can´t focus on anything else. It gets just more and more and more, the deeper you get into it. It is important to find strategies to distract yourself and guide your focus on something else.

I made a plan for myself that I switch out of ruminating at certain times per day. It is very important to end negative processing. And in many cases it is not only possible but it is also a skill you can enlarge and train.

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