Surrounded by good people

Diary of a pure positive mind

Surrounded by good people

Some weeks ago something really nice happened to me. I want to share that with you now, because I love telling that story over and over again.

It was Sept the 17th. In the morning (at noon), I was sitting around with Chichi, a friend of mine, in Berlin in the living-room of her flat share, talking about positivity. I told her, that I am a very absent-minded person sometimes, so I used to lose my purse a lot. But one day I decided other people are good. From that time on it happened to me, that everytime I lost my purse someone returned it to me. It happend so many times. I felt like all the time somebody is running after me with my stuff.

Now you could say: it is happening because I expect the good, in terms of “law of attraction” or some similar theory (e.g. Dr. Joseph Murphy´s stuff). But if that is too esoteric for you, you could even use the psychological explanation. The more I repeat that stories, the more I remember them and the more I ignore, or forget situations, that don´t fit to my focus. However, my subjective view is like that. Wherever I go I meet nice people, helping me and returning to me whatever I lose.

I told Chichi, that it all culminated in that story: I really stopped taking my purse with me, because I was sick of losing it all the time. I just take some bills and put them in my pocket. I went to my favorite pub and bought something at the bar, realizing later that I had lost 20€. Maybe half an hour later my neighbor Wolfgang came to me. He said: “Did you lose 20€ at the bar? Someone told me.” I said “yes”, and he went “there you go.” I said “Are you serious?”. Him: “But you lost them at the bar, didn´t you?”. I said,  “true” and he gave me my money back. What a coincidence, that somebody told Wolfgang I had lost the money, and what a nice person he is! It really seems I only know nice people.

Later on that day I went to a concert with Chichi and her friends. Coincidentally, I had my purse and my backpack with me, because I came right from band-rehearsal to the street-party the others were hanging out. I was really thinking of bringing my stuff back to their flat, but it was fun there and I decided to take it with me and look out for my stuff.

We drank quite a bit of alcohol, and the next day Chichi told me, they had to run after me with my bag twice. In the night bus I lost my purse the first time and Chichi gave it back to me. What I didn´t notice was, that I lost my purse a second time when we left the bus. I didn´t even realize it.

Suddenly my phone rang. A guy was at the phone claiming that he just found my purse. I couldn´t believe it. I checked my pockets- it was gone. It was a very nice guy: I could hardly understand him, because his german was not so good. I was at Jannowitzbrücke and he said he´d come to Alexanderplatz to meet me. (For me one station, for him- I don´t know). We managed to meet there. He gave me my purse and I was very happy. Luckily I had some business cards in there, so he had been able to call me. Great, that he did straight away! And great that it worked out so fast, so that it was no stress for me at all. (In my purse was my bank card, my credit card, my german railway card. It would have been quite a horror to really lose it). I was so happy about all that. That guy, maybe a pakistani guy in his fourties, even apologised that he had searched my purse. And me, in my tipsiness, I was hugging this guy at least two or three times, telling him what an awesome person he was. It was a great experierience. Us, standing there at Alexanderplatz, 3 am, both very happy. I told him how right he was. Because I am exactly the same. I would also give stuff back if I found it! That was a great experience. You lose a purse in a city with 3 million inhabitants and you get it back straight away. That´s just awesome.  And Berlin is awesome, too 😉

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