Like a Straight Flush – the latest findings in research tell us: be positive!

Diary of a pure positive mind

Straight Flush – the latest findings in research tell us: be positive!

The latest findings in neuropsychological reasearch are like a straight flush in poker and I will explain why.

Although these words might be read calm and quiet and there are no fanfares or fireworks in the background, I am not calm at all. The last findings I read about made me feel like a poker pro, who just went all in on the final table and got the straight flush on the river. (For the non-poker-players: That´s the last card- the last possibility to turn the coin and win- a big risk, for your probability to win is quite low).

The last week I read stuff that literally made me jump of my seat and throwing my fists in the air. The thing is: everybody gets so confused about positive thinking and whether it is good to foster that. It makes me defensive sometimes, because it seems I have to explain what I am doing here and what I am doing it for. I will just explain my major aims in terms of two relatively new findings in neurological research: One is Heart Coherence and the other Empathy and Oxytocin. I will make it really easy and just give you the essence of all that.

Heart Coherence: Whenever we are feeling joy, love or appreciation our heart rate changes in to a very specific pattern. Whereas heart-rate can be very orderless when feeling fear or anger, it is getting very wave-like smooth and ordered when we experience positive feelings. Research showed, that this is very benefical of the whole organism. Not even do you learn better and show better performance whatever (!) you do. (Doesn´t matter whether it is mental or physical activity) it also improves all (!) of our functions in our body including recovering from disease or impairment; A. McCraty and R.A. Rees, 2009). However, it should be a main aim for humanity to get better to produce these feelings. My strategies are one path to that. Children should learn to improve their feelings in school, we should terach people to do what makes them feel good. We could be so much better.

Empathy and Oxytocin: When we feel compassion, a hormone called oxytocin is realeased. It doesn´t matter whether you stroke a cat, or are with a friend or getting close to a person you don´t know very well, whenever you are empathic or getting involved in some sort of bonding you are releasing oxytocin. And Oxytocin is said to induce a state of mild sedation and relaxation, reduce anxiety, decreases stress and fosters positive emotions. In my theory I am stressing the point, that it is not enough to think positive about yourself, it is also important to think positive about others. Train yourself in that. It will make you healthy and happy for the rest of your life (Check my chapter about beliefs about others to get better in that).

I really do believe that these findings are the most important findings of our times. Finding means to think positive about yourself and others is as important as learning to read. You can get used to thinking positive as to brushing your teeth. And last but not least, positive thinking will be substantial to your ever growing happiness and success as moving is substantial for getting from A to B.

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