Being stoked all of the time

Diary of a pure positive mind

Being stoked all of the time

I´m stoked all of the time. It´s so great, that I don´t spend my time worrying anymore. At the moment it feels like I´m on the brink of something. Because I realize it´s still getting better. I get more and more into the feeling what I can learn and what I can achieve. I´m not doubting any dream that comes into my mind. It feels like I am having glimpses of what it can be like. There´s so much joy in my life.

The feelings I´m having have sometimes little relation to what actually happens anymore. For instance, when I go to work, to get to my office I have to ascend 4 floors. Some years ago I had severe problems with my left knee. There were month in my life, where it was extremely painful to get up there. These days, because of my positive-focus and awareness, it happens to me many, many times during the month, where I can feel pure joy because of my knee being fine again. Really appreciating the athletic way I can climb the stairs and truly happy about my awareness of my healthy body.

Now, this Monday, I played football with some friends, I made a strange move and twisted my knee. It hurt, but not too much. I believed it will be over in a few days. The next day while I was climbing the stairs, I was very aware of the pain and of the the situation and pure joy flooded me. I´m so appreciative of my body ALWAYS recovering! I even thought of the fact that I might have more pain when I´m getting old, and it all culminated in the thought that I can handle pain so good. Whatsoever, I realized I can ALWAYS focus on the good and even if I have pain when I am very, very old I will sure be very, very happy.

I am so grateful about that knowledge. I even doubt, that much of the physical abrasion is due to age. I believe it is also negativity making your body weak and sore. I´m so curious about what positivity does to my body. Right now I am feeling much healthier than ten years before. People tell me I look younger, too. This is like the ultimate experiment for me. My life as the experiment, what happens to the person that is predominantly positive. And I am getting better and better every day!

At the moment, my mind is quite occupied by what inspiration means. I hardly doubt anything I want. A new truth for me is “If you got a dream- live it!” If you don´t doubt anymore and you believe that you can achieve anything, other people´s successes make you REALLY happy. It´s like being in a supermarket, with pockets full of money. You know- you can have it all. And now- choose. Other people´s achievements elicit quite a lot of joy now. Sometimes I´m saying, like my grandma used to say, “amazing what human beings are capable of”. But now, that I am not doubting anymore, I´m contemplating and choosing.

Looking back fills me with great joy, too. When I think of Les Claypool (a very well-known bassist) I am so grateful, because his bass playing gave me the goose-bumbs 25 years ago. The feelings I had back then made me want to play bass guitar. And although I am not that pro-bassist he is, I am having great fun with my bass-guitar and with my band. I´m living this passion and bass–playing is an action that makes me so enthusiastic, that it feels like there´s no further up. It is the ultimate feeling for me. So Les Claypool´s bass-playing has quite a lot to do with my everyday joy. (You got to check up on that guy- I think it is really nuts, because I believe anybody who rehearses everyday couldn´t get that good in 100 years. To me it feels like his bass-playing is actually an impossibility by itself).

When I look around, how much potential there is and how much it would be if everybody raises his awareness, I get so excited. I´m so stoked by this life, I tell you!

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