Looking forward to the future

Diary of a pure positive mind

Looking forward to the future

I am really looking forward to the future. Sometimes I can hardly beleive how happy I am. It feels like there are so many doors opening for me at the moment. It feels like the space within me is getting bigger and bigger and all what I´m getting is fun and adventure and joy.

I am never judging. I think it is an effect of being entirely positive. I´m not accepting negative thoughts, about nobody. Whenever somebody else is doing or living something I don´t understand or dislike I´m rather curious, sometimes thrilled (“whoa- that exists???”) or maybe sad (“What has happened to this poor guy to do that creepy stuff”) but I am never judging. It is as if everything needs to exist. Everything has its eligibility. It is so much fun to me to get to know people. I can feel that this very openness is a gift nobody can take from me. I´ll be enjoying my time for the rest of my life! And it feels like I am getting better and better at it. I got the feeling of joy pouring through me so many times per day.

Sometimes because of the awareness I am living, sometimes because of the people around me- their ideas, their dreams. Many times because of  nature.

I remember once being on the bus to berlin and on the left hand side there were the trees, the sky was bright blue with white clouds. But on the right side was a very grey cloud…the light was like in a science fiction armaggeddon scenario, there was a little hail making quite a noise…but just on the right side- on the left it was nice and light. You just needed to turn your head, so you could easily switch from: bright happy world to horror scenario. So beautiful! And then your heart skips again, because you realize: “You are realizing and definitely enjoying that kind of stuff”.

Last week I really had to shout out a loud “Oh my good I can´t believe how beautiful nature is” (in german of course). It thrills me so much. I don´t know how that sounds for somebody who can´t find joy in nature, but believe me, it is such a great feeling. Why are people distracted so often, just because of their thoughts? Can´t they see??? People get so captivated by strange thoughts that they are literally missing out the “good stuff”. I wouldn´t say it is a disease, but it´s definitely a disability or a kind of handicap.

Just start looking around for things to appreciate. There are so many!

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