Foster your dreams

Making it work

Foster your dreams

Your dreams have a very special function. We tend to forget that. I want to show you when you should remember.

there is one question people always get irritated about. Sometimes you get the advice: It is important to do whatever you want to do and not listen to what others say. Many people who are quite successful tell others: Just ignore others´critics and do your thing!

On the other hand, many say: You´ve got to be open to feedback. It seems to be very selfish and ignorant just not listening to others. We are social beings and we want to fit in somewehere, we want to be loved and liked and we want others to feel good, too. We also want to be heard. How could we deny other poeple´s opinions? People who get really happy always say: It is not about me only. If the people around me get really and truly happy, I am happy too. Just me being happy is too little of a goal. I want my beloved ones to proceed and to be valued.


So how do these concept fit together? Is there an answer how both things can work at the same time? I reckon many could write a book about that, but I am simplifying it for you. Today I just want you to do a very helpful thing, that will really make you thrive:

Concentrate on your dreams

People who thrive have a very special way in dealing with their dreams. I don´t only mean monetary thriving. Literally any time a person is perceiving a certain success, either inventing something, or getting better at something or having fun with a hobby or a profession, dreaming plays a huge role. Because before something can become a goal, we tend to dream a version of it. People are forgetting about that! Everybody knows, that you need goals to start an action and reach your goals. Many forget that there´s a lot happening before. Professional athletes, actors, entrepreneurs and musicians keep on talking about that in interviews. In all cases, they dreamt about getting better in that area before.

It is about YOUR dreams

You might think, that has got nothing to do with you? Just think about a cake you might bake. What makes you want to bake that cake? Who put the goal into your mind? Think about it. You have a very good impression about the smell, the taste, the happiness of the people eating that delicious cake. That is a dream! It is a dream situation/picture you are holding in your mind. It is very vivid, because you had experiences with eating cake before. But it is still only existing in your mind. That´s what dreams are.

Now the major point: The better you can hold that dream, the more motivation you got, the more persistent you are and the better will be the result. This is very easy to understand now: because you had cakes before, the easier you can keep the picture in your mind and if you had success with that before, the more expectant you will be of a positive outcome. When the goal is a bit further away, means you haven´t done it before, the more fantasy you need. But it changes nothing: the more vivid your dream is, the better you can imagine the outcome, the better your motivation is.

Your dreams are like kids – foster them

Don´t let anyone critisize your dreams. If your belly tells you, you really want something, don´t let anyone destroy the picture you are attempting to build at the moment. If necessary, don´t tell anybody. Keep that a secret. You want to be an entrepreneur but you are a pupil now? You are a single- mother and want to be a well known artist. Never let anybody critisize your dreams. If people are trying to kill your dreams, by saying: you will never get there! or You can´t do it. Just don´t listen! If you want to be a decent social person, let the feedback in, but never let them critisize your dreams. 


Your dream might be like a small and weak kid. People might say: This one is never gonna be a sportsman! Don´t listen to them! You foster your dreams and they will grow up and prosper. They might turn out to be different, than you expected, but they will grow when you foster them and they will give you awesome results.

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