Beliefs are crucial for our feelings, our relationships and our performance. Our core beliefs are always involved in how we see the world, how we interact with others and how motivated we are working for our goals.
Now, we are entering a completely new sphere. Because when you practise strategie one and two, you will alter your beliefs.
But not only that. The more you use the strategies, the more aware you get, what your beliefs are. I´ll give you some examples to make that more clear.
Let´s say you are employed, but you don´t like that too much. You want to be self-employed, but you are always thinking:
“That is very hard.” or “I don´t know what you need to know to run an own bussiness“. Using strategy one you will think things like:
“It is not too hard. There are many people doing it“; “Maybe it is easy“; “Maybe I can figure out what I need to know for that“; “Maybe I will be able to get all the knowledge I need“.
Now there are two possibilities. Mostly it just works and your negative thoughts tend to get less and less. You´ll realize that, when you see other self-employed people and you will catch yourself thinking “I can do that, too“, or “I ´ll soon be there, too.” This is a great situation because you´ll feel you suddenly got a lot of motivation to learn. You´ll just watch those people closely you wanna learn from and you´ll learn something every single time. You´ll feel that you can do that, too. A new belief is born.
The other possibility is, that you are not easily changing the belief. That is because there´s a higher order belief contradicting it. In that case you´ll find it out by using strategy one.
For instance “I don´t know how to run a bussiness.” –
“Maybe I can figure out what I need for running a bussiness“.
“I´m too weak for things like that“. (A bad feeling is coming up displaying further negative thoughts. That is when you are right on the brink of finding the higher oder belief!) Why do you think you are to weak?
“My father always told me I´m giving up too soon“,
“I remember situation xy, where I didn´t feel like going on is possible“. Great: you just stumbled upon a higher order belief!!!
Let´s use another pic now for that higher order belief:
How would you name it? What kind of belief is that? “I am a weak person“. You just fiigured out what your higher belief on succeeding is.
Just go on straight with strategy one. “Maybe I am not weak“.
“Maybe I changed quite a bit since my childhood“.
“Maybe I can be a winner”.
Or it is something like “Only special people with special skills can run a bussiness“.
“Maybe anybody could learn this!”
( “I heard of a guy who has been homeless in former days and runs several bussinesses right now“)
“I am not a special person“,
“Maybe I am a special person”. Even a
” I am not a special person, yet.” will make it 🙂 – get you to the right Trevor-Ratio.
Just do that! Do the carrots! stubbornly and frequently. Remember: it doesn´t matter if you don´t believe what you think there straight away. It will take some time. But then – I tell you – what happens then is truly incredible! Because you beliefs will change and your mindset will be completely different, soon!! It is just amazing!
Check the Changing Beliefs Section for some very powerful new beliefs you will learn there!!