Asking the right questions

Diary of a pure positive mind

Asking the right questions

When I am with myself my mood tends to get better and better. Why is that so? Although I am quite frequently using the strategies I´ve mentioned in the “how it works part”, there seem to be quite a lot of other things I am doing.

Today I kept asking myself the question: “Why is everything so awesome?”. Of course, you need the feeling of joy to ask yourself this question. It makes no sense lying to yourself. Just wait for a fun or a joy moment and then ask yourself this question. I am a little bit used to it- so dozens of topics pop right into my mind. Today it is a lot about my health: I´ve been at the gym yesterday and it was SO MUCH fun. I spent there about two hours and my body is getting better and better. I´ve had severe back pain in the neck area for about 10 or 11 years. Last year in february I started exercising. I can feel the timespans of pain getting lesser and lesser. And last week I´ve been to a doctor. Whereas other doctors some years ago saw some chronic damgage in my upper cervical spine, he said: “Everything looks completely normal there.” What a relief! I didn´t believe it anyways. I always kept telling myself: “I will be completely healthy one day”. Running in the gym, I´ve been delevoping something like a running meditation: I just scan my bodyparts and praise them for working. I think of the bones, muscles, skin, veins, organs and develop quite a bit of joy there. Amazing how much is just working without me having to think about it or do anything! And now: How my cervical spine just healed! Amazing!

So why is everything so awesome? Everything is just improving in my life. I´ve got holidays now and I don´t have to work. Although my work is a great source of fun to me, it is just awesome to sleep long, get up at noon and see what I feel like to do. When I think of all the things I can do in my life…I am really appreciating my brain. Seems like I can always learn and figure out something new. I can hardly believe that I am so lucky. Seems like I can directly influence the release of endorphines in my brain. At the moment I am reading “the cosmic landscape” of Leonard Susskind, because I really want to know how I could embrace the cosmological or physicist view with my psychological view. I am so happy that my curiosity is always there. I also really want to figure out something about burnout: it seems to me as if it has never been only about being exhausted or down. Seems to me as if it is all about fear. Not daring to follow your inner voice because outer expectancies are there and you trying to please others.

Why is everything so awesome? Because the best of my life is still to come and I can feel it coming. It feels so great looking forward to that.

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